
JSW Energy unit to acquire Reliance Power's wind project for Rs 132 crore

By Economic Times - 2 months ago
JSW Energy has a total locked-in generation capacity of 12.5 GW comprising 7.2 GW operational, 2.6 GW under construction across the wind, thermal, and hydro, and LoA/LoIs for 2.7 GW capacity from SECI (Solar Tranche XIII and Wind Tranche XVI), SJVN, and GUVNL. In addition, the company has 3.4 GWh of locked-in energy storage capacity through a battery energy storage system and a hydro-pumped storage project. The company aims to reach 20 GW generation capacity and 40 GWh of energy storage capacity before 2030. JSW Energy has set an ambitious target of achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050.

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