LJ Moreno-Alapag's journey of change, challenges and growth

It has been four years since LJ Moreno-Alapag's emotional family YouTube video went viral. In the video, the former actress, with her PBA legend and now NBA coach Jimmy Alapag, was bidding Manila farewell to embark on a new journey in the United States. The video, which has close to a million views, resonated deeply with their fans. Since then, the Alapag family has experienced many highs — including introducing the newest member of their brood, Cayson, to the world — amid their share of significant lows. All these experiences are authentically documented on their YouTube channel, "Alapag Family Fun." Today, LJ exclusively shares with The Sunday Times Magazine a behind-the-scenes look at their family's continuing adventure living overseas and how it inspired her to start her latest venture, The Lollicake Factory. Life in the US: A new beginning Moving to the US in 2020 during the height of the pandemic brought many unexpected changes for the Alapag family. Jimmy could stay home at the time, which allowed him to help LJ with their three children. "When we first arrived, life seemed tough because we didn't have any household help like we were used to in the Philippines, but at least Jimmy and I shared most of the daily tasks," LJ recalls. With the pandemic limiting their movements, they were grateful for having some family living nearby in Southern California, ready to help when they could. "It was still easier in a way," she adds. However, life took a new direction when Jimmy accepted a coaching job with the Stockton Kings in 2021, prompting the family to move to Sacramento. "This made things much tougher because we no longer had family close by," LJ admits. She continued homeschooling their children for another year, but they eventually wanted to attend regular school to interact with other kids. When Jimmy was promoted to the Sacramento Kings' coaching staff, their family schedule became even more hectic. "The NBA schedule is crazy, especially with Jimmy going on road trips sometimes for two weeks straight." During this time, the couple also welcomed their fourth child, Cayson, in January 2023, who gave them much joy but added another layer of responsibility. "It's been hard," LJ reflects, "but I'm super proud of Jimmy's career and thankful that our kids have the unique experience of meeting NBA stars they usually just see on TV or play on their PS5." A typical day in LJ's life: Then vs. now LJ's daily routine in the Philippines is a stark contrast to her life in the US today. "In the Philippines, my day would start at 5 a.m. with an intercom call to the downstairs help for my coffee and instructions for breakfast and the kids' baon (lunch pack)," she recalls. After coffee and prayers on their balcony, LJ and Jimmy would wake their children and prepare for the day. Jimmy would head to practice while LJ diverted to her home office, where she managed her commissary for The Lollicake Factory, located within their home compound. "On days when Jimmy's practice wasn't so early, we'd squeeze in a boxing session together," she adds. As expected, the transition to life in the US without their much-valued helpers required major adjustments. "My day still starts early, but now, I'm up by 4 a.m. if Jimmy's on a road trip," she says. LJ uses that quiet time for prayer and coffee before preparing breakfast and lunch for her children. Once the kids are ready and off to school, LJ spends time with Cayson, walking him to a nearby mini ranch to watch horses, which is now a cherished routine. "When Cayson naps, I rush to clean the house, finish the laundry (if Jimmy isn't home to do it), and cook lunch before picking up the older kids." Her afternoons are meanwhile filled with activities like basketball practice and Keona's cheerleading sessions. "It's hectic," LJ admits, "but I've gotten used to it." Embracing a new perspective One of the biggest lessons LJ has learned in the past four years is to embrace the season of life that God has placed her in. She notes, "Instead of complaining or wondering about what could have been, I've learned to accept and make the most of where God has put us." The lack of help, financial challenges during their first year in the US, and the unpredictability of Jimmy's basketball schedule took a lot of work to navigate. "There was a time when we lived paycheck to paycheck," LJ shares. Yet through it all, she remained resilient, acknowledging, "[I kept it in mind] we're here for a reason and [therefore determined] I will [always] make the most of it." Firm in her resolve, LJ has since found joy in her Californian life — be it in simple routines like horse-watching with Cayson and just soaking in the outdoors. "It's something we do every morning and afternoon, and it's become one of my favorite parts of the day," she says. Despite getting used to their new routine, LJ still misses the Philippines — and, unable to lie — especially having some help in the house. "The random lunches or coffee dates with friends during the week were so easy to arrange back home," she says. "But here in the US, it feels like every plan has to be scheduled in advance because everyone is busy with their own lives." Despite all the challenges of living in a new country, LJ is grateful for how her children have adapted and become more independent. "They help out with their little brother, and Ian loves assembling furniture we buy," she shares. This growing independence has helped strengthen the family bond, with each member contributing to the whole in meaningful ways. LJ also acknowledges that staying connected to her community, especially her ties back home has helped her ease into this new life. "We stay connected through video calls and social media," she says, recognizing how technology helps bridge the gap between their old life and their new one. Coming home to Manila After being away for several years, LJ and her family returned to the Philippines for a long-awaited visit in June 2023. "It was amazing, but super bitin (too short)," she says of the trip. Their weekends were packed with out-of-town travels to Cebu, Pangasinan and Baguio, making seeing everyone they wanted to see very challenging. "But I was so happy to shoot for guest appearances again — it really felt like a homecoming." One of the highlights of the trip for LJ was the opportunity to visit her grandmother in Dagupan, a reunion filled with the warmth and joy of family traditions. "Ever since I was a kid, my grandma would prepare so much food every time we visited — it was like a fiesta!" Bonifacio Global City's (BGC) ever-changing landscape surprised her. "There are so many new buildings now! It's so confusing compared to before we left when it wasn't as crowded or traffic-heavy." Her children enjoyed the trip as well, especially Keona, who finally got to perform in a recital with Sky Dance Avenue, her long-time dance studio that continued offering virtual classes even after the family moved to the US. Reinventing The Lollicake Factory As the founder of The Lollicake Factory, LJ's entrepreneurial spirit followed her to the US. Though she had to close the company in the Philippines when they moved, LJ has started baking again, focusing on different kinds of Filipino bread. "Before we moved, I told myself I would sell Filipino baked products if we ever moved to the US," she says. While she still takes orders for cakes and pastries, juggling a growing family and managing the business has been another challenge. "Since having Cayson, taking orders has been more challenging," she admits. Nevertheless, this hasn't deterred her from staying connected to her love for baking. Empowering stay-at-home moms In addition to managing her business, LJ has directed her attention toward empowering other stay-at-home mothers who aspire to establish their own enterprises. "Being a stay-at-home mom is not easy. We're always busy, but we still think of ways to help our family financially," she says. To support this, LJ shares digital recipe cards and runs a mentoring program that equips mothers with the tools and knowledge they need to start home-based baking businesses and generate income. "I've shared my tried-and-tested recipes, and now I'm offering business and baking tips through a Facebook group. We also have monthly Zoom meetings where I answer their questions based on my experience," she explains. Her ultimate goal is to inspire other moms, proving that it's possible to build a business while managing family responsibilities. Her advice to stay-at-home moms? "Never doubt your ability to achieve your goals, no matter how busy you are," she advises. So even as LJ continues to accept her new life in the US, her entrepreneurial spirit, unwavering commitment to her family, and passion for uplifting others remain constant. Each challenge has strengthened her sense of purpose, allowing her to inspire fellow moms to find a balance between nurturing their homes and pursuing their dreams. Through it all, LJ holds firm to her faith, trusting that God has placed her exactly where she needs to be. Embracing this belief, she is determined to make the most of every moment, growing personally while empowering others to do the same.
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