Ecozone backs indigenous people's land rights in Aurora

THE Aurora Pacific Economic Zone (Apeco) declared its support for the application of Indigenous people's (IP) communities in Aurora province for a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT). Apeco President and Chief Executive Officer Gil Taway has formally submitted a position paper to the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), which is advocating for the recognition of ancestral domain rights for the Agtas of Dinalungan, Casiguran and Dilasag (DiCaDi). "In parallel, Apeco remains committed to the sustainable development of DiCaDi and Aurora Province. We firmly believe that recognizing ancestral domains of indigenous communities is a fundamental and crucial step towards realizing this goal," Taway said in a statement on Wednesday. "Furthermore, the approval of this CADT application will benefit not only the Agtas of DiCaDi but also will contribute significantly to the broader objectives of sustainable development in the region," he added. Apeco is located in Casiguran, Aurora and was established in 2007 through Republic Act 9490, as amended by Republic Act 10083. The ecozone is planned to be developed into a commercial, agro-industrial, tourist, banking, financial and investment center with suitable residential areas. Historically, IPs in the region have faced challenges in securing formal recognition of their ancestral lands. The proposed CADT will serve to affirm the land rights of these IPs. "By granting the Agtas a CADT, we not only provide them with the formal recognition they deserve but also empower them to sustain their traditions while ensuring that their rights are respected in all future developments within their territory," Taway said. In collaboration with the NCIP, various legal experts and local stakeholders including various IP community leaders, Apeco said that it is prepared to provide assistance in navigating the process of obtaining the vital document. "By actively involving Indigenous groups in the decision-making process and providing them with the tools and support they need, Apeco is setting a precedent for how economic zones can collaborate with local communities to achieve mutual benefits," Apeco said.
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