Governor allows entry of pigs in Occidental Mindoro

TO protect the swine industry in Occidental Mindoro from the African swine fever (ASF), the provincial government has implemented a strict protocol regarding the entry of pigs and meat products in the province.

But after reports reached Gov. Eduardo Gadiano that there is a shortage of pork in Occidental Mindoro, the governor has authorized the importation of pigs from neighboring towns and provinces.

Earlier, meat vendors and slaughter houses expressed frustrations over significant financial losses they had incurred due to the limited supply of hogs over the past month.

Gadiano said he will issue an executive order on Monday to allow the entry of pigs in the province provided that the hogs are tested and not infected with ASF.

"Hogs dealers need to get a certificate of free status from the Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Animal Industry," Gadiano said.

Josephine Erodias, vice president of the San Jose Meat Vendors Association, said they met with the governor on Thursday and thanked him for heeding their plea.

She said that it has been a week since they completely ran out of pork, following a month of limited supply.

Erodias also pointed out that pork is generally cheaper than beef, but if the shortage continues and pork remains unavailable, consumers will be forced to buy the more expensive beef.

As of August 6, the estimated value of damage in the province's swine industry is P229,306,250 for this year.

There were 72 barangay affected in all the municipalities of the province in which 5,622 pigs have died due to ASF and 16,242 hogs have been depopulated.

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