Study finds Filipino gen Zs prioritize self-reward when shopping

FILIPINO generation Z (gen Z) spend primarily to reward themselves, according to a joint study by the Filipino-focused sociocultural research firm, The Fourth Wall, and communications firm, Uniquecorn Strategies.

About three out of four Filipino gen Z consumers living in urban areas said they shop online because they believe that they deserve it. This shopping philosophy is driven by their desire for happiness, fear of missing out on trends, and the need to reward themselves for overcoming work or study-related stress.

The survey revealed that 50 percent of a typical Filipino Gen Z's finances come from parental allowance, while the other 50 percent come from full-time work, businesses or side gigs.

Urban Filipino gen Zs are intelligent buyers. They splurge based on quality (81 percent) and price competitiveness (10 percent).

The study also found that Filipino gen Zs buy based on trust and personal affinity. Upon hearing about a product, 81 percent of them do not purchase immediately but search customer reviews first on shopping platforms and Google.

Gen Z is known as the first generation to grow up with the internet and digital devices practically glued to their hands, which means they prefer the convenience of online shopping. Almost all the respondents (92 percent) use their own mobile phones for purchases and prefer cashless payment methods (53 percent).

The study also identifies several key opportunities for brands to connect with Filipino gen Z consumers more effectively. There is a significant potential for advertising on more personal yet credible emerging media platforms such as podcasts. Brands can leverage self-expression and identity in their branding to establish a personal affinity with target customer personas.

To get full access to The Urban Filipino Gen Zs as Consumers - A Behavioral Overview, visit

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