Alaska tourist spot may ban cruise ships

(UPDATE) JUNEAU, Alaska — Each year, a crush of tourists arrives in Alaska's capital city on cruise ships to see wonders like the fast-diminishing Mendenhall Glacier. Now, long-simmering tensions over Juneau's tourism boom are coming to a head over a new voter initiative aimed at giving residents a respite from the influx.

A measure that would ban cruise ships with 250 or more passengers from docking in Juneau on Saturdays (Sundays in Manila) qualified for the October 1 municipal ballot, setting the stage for a debate about how much tourism is too much in a city that is experiencing first-hand the impacts of climate change. The measure would also ban ships on July 4 (July 5 in Manila), a day when locals flock to a downtown parade.

The "ship-free Saturdays" initiative that qualified this week will go to voters unless the local Assembly enacts a similar measure by August 15 (August 16 in Manila), which is seen as unlikely.

Juneau, accessible only by water or air, is home to the Mendenhall Glacier, a major draw for the cruise passengers who arrive on multi-story ships towering over parts of the modest downtown skyline. Many residents of this city of about 32,000 have concerns about increased traffic, congested trails and the frequent buzz of sight-seeing helicopters transporting visitors to the Mendenhall and other glaciers.

Deborah Craig, who has lived in Juneau for decades, supports ship-free Saturdays. Craig, who lives across the channel from where the ships dock, often hears their early-morning fog horns and broadcast announcements made to passengers that are audible across the water.

The current "overwhelming" number of visitors diminishes what residents love so much about Juneau, she said.

"It's about preserving the lifestyle that keeps us in Juneau, which is about clean air, clean water, pristine environment, and easy access to trails, easy access to water sports and nature," she said of the initiative.

"There's this perception that some people are not welcoming of tourists, and that's not the case at all," Craig said. "It's about volume. It's about too much — too many in a short period of time overwhelming a small community."

The current cruise season runs from early April to late October.

Can hurt local businesses

Opponents of the initiative say limiting dockings will hurt local businesses that rely heavily on tourism and could invite lawsuits. A voter-approved limit on cruise passenger numbers in Bar Harbor, Maine, another community with a significant tourism economy, was challenged in federal court.

Laura McDonnell, a business leader who owns Caribou Crossings, a gift shop in Juneau's downtown tourist core, said she makes 98 percent of her annual revenue during the summer season.

Tourism is about all the "local businesses that rely on cruise passengers and our place in the community," said McDonnell, who is involved in Protect Juneau's Future, which opposes the initiative.

Some schools recently closed due to factors including declining enrollment, while the regional economy faces challenges, she said.

"I think that as a community, we really need to look at what's at stake for our economy," she said. "We are not in a position to be shrinking our economy."

The cruise industry accounted for $375 million in direct spending in Juneau in 2023, most of that attributable to spending by passengers, according to a report prepared for the city by McKinley Research Group LLC.

After a two-year pandemic lull, cruise passenger numbers rose sharply in Juneau, hitting a record of more than 1.6 million in 2023. Under this year's schedule, September 21 (September 22 in Manila) will be the first day since early May with no large ships in town.

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