Senate to also pass bills benefiting the poor

THE Senate will continue to pass business-friendly bills like the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises to Maximize Opportunities for Reinvigorating the Economy (Create More) and tax cut measures for stock market investors, and ensuring these also benefit the poor.

"I have noticed that we have been passing a genre of laws that ease the burden on big business, including the ease of unloading bad loans of banks. We have a law on this," Senate President Francis Escudero said.

"It is time to reframe our work and pivot it to laws that make life easier for our people," he added.

"Why only ease of doing business? Why not ease of finishing school, ease of finding work, or ease of getting health care when one is sick?"

Escudero made the statement following a meeting with the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (Ledac) on June 25 where Congress agreed to prioritize the passage of 28 bills by June 2025.

Escudero said that legislation must also ensure that all Filipinos had access to education, employment, health care and that legislative priorities focused on creating tangible benefits.

"Let me assure you that each of these bills in the common agenda will see the light of day on the Senate floor, so those passed can be sent to the President's desk for his signature," he also said.

The Senate president stressed that the chamber would never sacrifice scrutiny for speed. "For the Senate, the phrase 'deliberative body' is not a slogan routinely spoken but a style of work religiously observed," he said.

Escudero pledged that the Senate would act diligently on Ledac priority bills while embracing innovation. "But with industry comes innovation. Expect the Senate to make amendments," he noted.

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