NEU holds 27th Annual Comm Awards

THE New Era University College of Communication (NEU-COC) held the 27th Annual Comm Awards at the University Hall on May 25, 2024.

With the theme "Dream, Shine and Live the Legacy," the event engaged in the continuing legacy of brilliance and excellence of NEU communication students.

Meanwhile, the NEU Center for Languages and Translation Studies (NEU-CLTS) is holding a webinar series on language Research Translation via Google Meet until June 22, 2024. It started on Thursday, May 30.

The first topic of the series was "Why Research and What is Research?" with Rodrigo Tomas, PhD, as resource person held on May 30.

On June 1, the webinar topic was "Emotional Intelligence: Crucial Skills for Personal and Career Growth" with Prof. Blesilda Ramos as resource speaker.

Likewise, the NEU College of Medicine (NEU-COM) held the nd Dean's Lecture Series titled "Dr. Genesis Rivera Leadership and Governance" at the Multipurpose Hall, Professional Schools Building on Saturday, June 1.

Resource speakers included Philippine Medical Association President Hector Santos. MD, and Deans Abigail Elsie Castro, Erman Fandialan and Rey Melchor Santos.

The late Genesis Rivera was the founding dean of the NEU-COM in 2014 and the first dean of the NEU College of Music. He then served as dean of the NEU-COM before his demise.

The Association of Philippine Medical Colleges Inc. (APMCI) described Rivera as a "pillar of pediatric education" and a "leading pediatric teacher, advocate, and accreditor of pediatric residency and fellowship training in the Philippines."

Rivera served as the executive director of the NEU Center for Medical and Allied Health

Sciences for several years. He was also NEU-COM full professor of Pediatrics and Medical Humanities and professor of Musicology, Organ, and Piano at the NEU College of Music.

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