Alas Pilipinas bows down to Kazakhstan

MANILA, Philippines — Alas Pilipinas fell short to conquer the world-ranked 30th Kazakhstan squad, 23-25, 21-25, 14-25, in the knockout semifinals match of the AVC 2024 Challenge Cup at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum on Tuesday, May 28.

The Philippines will face Australia in the battle-for-bronze, while Vietnam and Kazakhstan will fight for the gold.

Kazakhstan banked on Sana Anarkulova 17-point outing, and dominated the Philippines in the third-frame after a holding a huge seven-point lead, 19-12 as Angel Canino's hit sailed outside.

Arah Panique put up a fight in the first and second frame after leading Alas Pilipinas to trail close against Kazakhstan. However, Panique was read by the Kazakhstan's blockers in the third frame, 22-13.

Canino slammed a down-the-line kill, but that was it for the Philippines as Kazakhstan pulled a 3-0 run to dispatch Alas Pilipinas quickly, 25-14.

The Philippines gave away 21 points off of errors, while Kazakhstan only made 13.

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