Angelica Jones is now a JCI Senator of JCI Senate Philippines

Seasoned actress, CEO, entrepreneur, and public servant Angelica Jones is now National Chairman of "Project Watch," a long-range socio-civic undertaking of JCI Senate Philippines.

Jones is only the second woman JCI Senate member to be elected national chair of this endeavor, where "Watch" is used as an acronym for "We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty." As such, the project is geared at strengthening the values of punctuality and honesty among Filipinos. The campaign began during the Arroyo administration and is actually a movement to stamp out so-called "Filipino time."

"As for honesty, we always say it is the best policy but many hardly [live it out] in their lives and in their professions," Jones, who is a three-time board member of Laguna and founder and charter president of the all-female JCI Hijas de San Pablo, noted in an interview.

The JCI remains largely a male-dominated worldwide organization, which is why Jones is ever proud of her chapter as well as her rise to the JCI Senate, whose membership is by invitation only.

Her appointment as national chairman of Project Watch is therefore another significant achievement in her JCI career, as Jones expressed.

"I thank Project Watch council founder Senator Cesar Ochoa, Sen Aggie Angeles, National JCI Senate President Eduardo Echem, National Executive Vice President Herbert Tang, and the National Board of JCI Senate Philippines for the trust given to me to be the National Chairman of Project Watch. I promise to reciprocate with loyalty and dedication so that I can accomplish the legacy mission of JCI Senate Philippines and its flagship Project Watch."

Jones is busy bringing Project Watch to schools, believing, "Teaching Filipinos about being punctual and about being honest even when no one is looking is best done among the young people who are in school and who are open-minded about life."

Jones, who proudly walks the talk, said her mother had long instilled in her the value of punctuality, so much so that she always makes sure she is never late for any commitment, whether in meetings for her socio-civic work or to the set of her latest showbiz endeavor.

Jones just finished filming "When Magic Hurts" with Beaver Magtalas, Mutya Orquia, and Maxine Trinidad which hits cinemas later this month. Her next movie project is titled "Neophyte," which stars Derrick Monasterio and Elle Villanueva.

A single mom, Jones said she has no plans of changing her status as she quipped, "Project Watch is the love of my life!"

Jones was formally inducted as Project Watch national chairman, along with her newly appointed officers Senator Rommel Gerodias, National Training Director; JCI Senator Reggie Yu, Auditor; JCI Senator Rhea David, Treasurer; and JCI Senator Jing Abarca, Secretary General.

The ceremony also included the transfer of funds from the previous leadership, facilitated by JCI Senators Rosalind Ngo (past national chairman) and Aries Balanay (executive director and past national chairman).

A message from JCI Senator Eduardo Echem, JCI Senate Philippines National President, was read by JCI Senator National Vice Pres. Herbert Tang, emphasizing the significance of partnerships and collaboration in driving meaningful change. This message echoed the shared purpose that unites all Project Watch advocates.

As the new chapter begins, all those involved are eager to continue promoting the core values of punctuality and honesty, inspiring others to join them in this transformative journey.

Meanwhile, the Project Watch chair announces her gratitude to stalwarts of JCI Philippines, JCI Senate, and Project Watch including JCI Senate National President Eduardo Echem, Project Watch Founding Chairman Emeritus JCI Sen Cesar S. Ochoa, JCI National Executive Vice President Herbert Tang.

Jones will be in charge of putting together a dinner concert on June 29 to raise more funds for Project Watch. The event is dubbed "Time to Watch" to be held at the Quezon City Sports Club 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Jones has visited Sorsogon, Isabela and the National Convention of PTA in Baguio for the launching of Project Watch.

Project Watch is slated to be launched by Jones this year in Batanes, Cagayan, Camarines, Ilocos Norte, Nueva Vizcaya, and Palawan and Schedule for The Project Watch Month in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao thru the JCI Project Watch Chairmen and the Department of Education.

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