Morales a 'professional liar' – Marcos

PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Friday called former Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) agent Jonathan Morales a "professional liar," as he downplayed the veracity of the leaked PDEA documents linking him to illegal drug use.

"It's hard to give him importance. You know, this fellow is a professional liar and is like a jukebox. So long as you put coins, he will sing whatever song you like," Marcos said in a statement.

"I think that that's his job. That's why I call him a professional liar," he added.

The supposed leaked operational documents dating back to March 11, 2012, contained unsubstantiated statements linking Marcos and actress Maricel Soriano to illegal drug use.

Sen. Jinggoy Estrada said Morales had been charged in several local courts for false testimony.

"If this is true, estafa pending before Metropolitan Trial Court in Pasig City, slight physical injuries pending before Branch 72 in Pasig City," Estrada said.

"The facts and evidence presented clearly demonstrate the questionable integrity and credibility of this particular resource person, and the same evidence refutes all accusations against the PDEA and its current leadership. The statements given by this particular resource person against the agency and leadership are evidently perjurious, defamatory, and outright false," the senator added.

Sen. Ronald dela Rosa, the head of the Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs that conducted the hearing on the leaked PDEA report, said he was convinced that the documents were not fabricated.

In a previous hearing, PDEA Director General Moro Virgilio Lazo categorically said that the documents were fake.

Morales refuted Lazo's statement, maintaining that the leaked reports were real.

In April 2, the PDEA released a statement indicating that the two documents were not found in their plans and operations reports management information system, hence, their authenticity is questionable.

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