When hard work pays off

Making a positive impact and contributing to something meaningful is a significant motivator for me. Knowing that my work has the potential to create a difference and improve the lives of others inspires me to give my all and work diligently."

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: It was 6:30 in the morning. The sun's up peeping through her bedroom curtains, casting light on her face, which woke her up wide-eyed and sent her springing out from her cuddly pillows, straight to the shower and back to her dresser — in record time.She rummaged through her clothes with her right hand while the left was clicking her phone to check her schedules ahead. Ah, she said, smart casual with a bit of corporate it is for the day's dress code.Soon enough she'd be on the road for her first stop: A meeting with investors from Singapore, whose portfolio and credentials she'd be reviewing, making sure everything is in order before submitting it to the appropriate government agency, which in turn will decide if the company meets all requirements to operate in the United Arab Emirates.In other instances, she would engage with business representatives from Hong Kong, Russia or The Netherlands; if not, then it's a run to an early event coverage in a hotel or VIP business lounges.Typical day for Owen SP Sanchez, who was in her early 20s when she arrived in Dubai, June of 1994 and worked her way through from being a flight attendant, to her current post at Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority (Dieza), which covers all of UAE's free zones, and in which she is senior corporate consultant, representing four multinational corporations.She holds two other posts: vice president for human resource, administration and operations at Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Campus (DTEC), which is under Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA), a part of Dieza; and vice president for broadcast, media and Communication at YallaTV Network, an English-language lifestyle outfit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).Reflecting on her experiences, Sanchez regards her professional journey as a well-rounded and transformative endeavor."It has all been a well-rounded experience," says Sanchez, the eldest of five children from Pasig.Sanchez' path commenced with academic excellence, graduating cum laude with a degree in Tourism and Travel Management from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila in 1992.She embarked on her career with a job at Philippine Airlines as cabin crew then on to being a bank marketing officer in Manila after passing management training, then as translator at the Manila office of a Japanese shipping line."Most of the jobs I had in the Philippines were all meant to fulfill the university's requirements for me to deliver as a government scholar and graduate with Latin honor," Sanchez tells The Manila Times.Her first employment in Dubai was as executive level administrative assistant at a conglomerate operating across multiple industries.From there, Sanchez' journey took her to other undertakings and commitments, along the way being bestowed upon awards, even a global recognition, for her "determination, hard work, and unwavering passion for success," as one media outfit put it.The rest, as the cliché goes, is history.

Meaningful colors

"All the adversities, failures, crashes, and wounded hearts were opportunities that led me to love life even more. Challenges, I realized, create meaningful colors in our lives, making us fighters and warriors," says Sanchez, who also obtained a Master in Business Administration, major in Human Resource Management from Orlando University, Florida, graduating magna cum laude — her eventual gateway to the world of human resources, where she would likewise shine with more awards and work at multinationals like Abbott, an American medical devices and health care company.Sanchez also was human resource director at Emirates Airlines Group for Aerospace Airbus in 2012.Indeed, Sanchez' transformation from a dedicated HR professional to a widely celebrated public figure in Dubai is a testament to her indomitable spirit and unrelenting pursuit of excellence."In this world, we find not just achievers but beacons of empowerment, resilience, and relentless determination. They are all around us, and I find inspiration from them," Sanchez said.Among recognitions given Sanchez were the "100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World 2018" award by the Foundation for Filipina Women's Network (FWN); "Exemplary HR Professionals in UAE & GCC" given by the Society of Human Resource Professionals and Associates (SHRPA); the "Outstanding Woman in the Field of Broadcast Media" award; and the "Philippines' Multifaceted Empowered Woman and Outstanding Media Personality of the Year" award by the Philippines' Golden Eagle Awards.Sanchez has also undergone a specialization course in organizational development (OD); Analysis at Stanford University, where she was awarded departmental honors. She then passed the USA Board for OD Practice in New York as well as Certified Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management from Coventry University, UK.She obtained her MBA MasterClass in Business Operation from Curtin University, a leading Australian university; and just recently took the Certified Business Management Executive Leadership Transition Masterclass Program from Insead.Indeed, her peers say Sanchez never slows down, and on the contrary stays focused all the time. Her motivation stems from the innate desire for personal growth."I [want] to learn, develop new skills, and grow both personally and professionally. I challenge myself and [am] continuously improving, [which] allows me to expand my knowledge and capabilities, [and] motivates me to work hard," she says.Like everyone else, Sanchez also is driven by ambition, having her eyes trained on achievement, success, recognition, rewards and personal as well as financial goals — indeed, the banquet in which we all feed.Topping all this is her passion and purpose, which see her working late nights."When I find meaning in what I do, and feel aligned with my values, I become naturally driven to work hard and give my best effort," she says.Sanchez also ensures that her passion for what she does creates impact."Making a positive impact and contributing to something meaningful is a significant motivator for me. Knowing that my work has the potential to create a difference and improve the lives of others inspires me to give my all and work diligently," she says.Having gone full circle with all the achievements and accolades, Sanchez, these days, busies herself with giving back to society.She uses her resources to help others. She epitomizes the idea that challenges make life meaningful. For someone who loves life, her commitment to making a difference is unwavering."Paying it forward and giving back can indeed be a noble and fulfilling endeavor. This is my priority now: to find my fulfilment in paying it forward and giving back. It's important to me to share my knowledge, support causes I believe in, and make a positive impact on others' lives."Her mantra — carpe diem — encapsulates the essence of the path she has taken.It's nightfall. Having just gotten home, Sanchez would hit the sack, following a quick check in the kitchen.Tomorrow, the sun would kiss her again to get up and seize the day.

quick questionsWhat is your biggest fear?My greatest fear is not being able to provide for the immediate needs of my loved ones. Also, I would always be petrified with the thought of vanishing from this world.

What really makes you angry?Dishonesty, scammers, fake promises, liars!

What motivates you to work hard?As an individual, my motivation to work hard stems from various factors:Personal Growth: I have an innate desire to learn, develop new skills, and grow both personally and professionally. Challenging myself and continuously improving allows me to expand my knowledge and capabilities, which motivates me to work hard.Achievement and Success: I find great satisfaction in setting goals and achieving them. Experiencing a sense of accomplishment and surpassing my own expectations provides me with a strong sense of purpose and drives me to work diligently.Recognition and Rewards: The prospect of recognition, praise, and rewards fuel my motivation. Being appreciated for my efforts, whether through promotions, bonuses, or acknowledgment, gives me a sense of validation and inspires me to push myself further.Passion and Purpose: I believe that having a genuine passion for my work and a clear sense of purpose are key drivers of motivation. When I find meaning in what I do and feel aligned with my values, I am naturally driven to give my best effort and work hard.Personal and Financial Goals: I have personal and financial aspirations that motivate me to work hard. Providing for myself and my loved ones, achieving financial stability, and attaining a certain lifestyle are important goals that give me the determination to push myself.Impact and Contribution: Making a positive impact and contributing to something meaningful is a significant motivator for me. Knowing that my work has the potential to create a difference and improve the lives of others inspires me to give my all and work diligently.Understanding my personal sources of motivation allows me to align my efforts with my goals and aspirations. It keeps me focused, driven, and committed to working hard and achieving success in whatever I pursue.

What makes you laugh the most?Very simple things, some crack jokes. It's not difficult to make me laugh. I easily appreciate simple jokes

What did you want to be when you were small?I was dreaming to be an Airline Cabin Crew, which I already achieved.

What would you do if you won the lotto?I don't believe in immediate and easy money, so I don't join any raffle. Easy money is often illusory and unsustainable. It lacks substance, carries higher risks, and hinders personal growth. Hard work, integrity, and long-term strategies are more reliable paths to financial success.

If you could share a meal with any individual, living or dead, who would they be?I would like to be with my ex-partner Sonny, I miss him a lot, we always share good food together, we experiment and try new cuisines, we travel places and try the best cuisine that is authentic.

What's the most daring thing you've ever done?Daring actions can vary greatly depending on individual perspectives and contexts. Generally, a daring action is one that involves taking risks or stepping outside of one's comfort zone. It often requires courage, boldness, and a willingness to face challenges or potential consequences, i.e. dressing up with extra skin showing fashionably; speaking up against injustice which I have been so vocal with; pursuing an unconventional career path; being on broadcasting and media is my accidental career; or traveling to unfamiliar places, did this when I had to meet my late ex-partner in different port locations I have not been to. Ultimately, what may be considered daring can vary for each person based on their own thresholds and perceptions.

What was the last book you read? Plenty that could add up for my additional learning, things about discoveries — the recent book was the "Iconic Pinoy Maharlika," to read all the stories of the selected Pinoys included in the book, their successful stories.

What celebrity would you like to meet for a cup of coffee?Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie has had a substantial impact through her acting career, humanitarian work as a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, philanthropy, and advocacy for women and children's rights. She has used her platform and resources to draw attention to critical issues and make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations worldwide.

What is one thing you will never do again?Would never AGAIN to help or support an individual that resulted to taint my reputation because of his selfish personal gains and reasons. Remember, helping others is often a noble and admirable act, but it's important to do so in a way that aligns with your values, preserves your reputation, and considers the potential consequences. Before extending help, consider how it might affect your reputation. Evaluate the potential risks and weigh them against the potential benefits. Reputation is valuable, so it's crucial to consider how your actions may be perceived by others.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?I have too many achievements that I could be thankful to God about within my decades of my professional career and had proven myself and these were revalidated with series of accolades I got, my goals and own self-fulfillment have been achieved, paying it forward and giving back can indeed be a noble and fulfilling endeavor. That is now my priority, to find my fulfillment in paying it forward and giving back. It's important to me to share my knowledge, support causes I believe in, and make a positive impact on others.

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