US, PH jet fighters in drills over Luzon

AIR Force pilots from the Philippines and the United States are set to conduct maneuvers over a wide area of Luzon during the Cope Thunder-Philippines military exercise that began Monday at the Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga.

Air Force Public Affairs chief Col. Consuelo Castillo said that at least 12 US F-16 supersonic multi-role fighter aircraft and four FA-50s from the Philippines would participate in the reconnaissance and training maneuvers. A Philippine Air Force (PAF) C-130J cargo aircraft will join the drills.

The first iteration of Cope Thunder this year, taking place in the Northern Luzon Intensive Military Training Area, Basa Air Base and Benito N. Ebuen Air Base, involves about 700 airmen and will last until April 19.

Castillo said the exercise would focus on expert exchanges, field exercises in air and ground operations, logistics, and mission support planning and execution.

The exercise is part of the Mutual Defense Board and Security Engagement Board activities for this year.

A second iteration of Cope Thunder is scheduled for June.

Air Defense Command chief Maj. Gen. Fabian Pedregosa said the exercise highlights "the unwavering commitment of the PAF and its international allies to enhancing interoperability, strengthening deterrence and defense capabilities, promoting regional security and stability, and bolstering diplomatic ties."

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