NEU holds IE Cares 2024 series

THE New Era University College of Engineering and Architecture (NEU-CEA), in cooperation with the Industrial Engineering Society (IES), held the Industrial Engineering (IE) Cares 2024 at the Industrial Engineering Laboratory, NEU Main Building on March 25 to 27, 2024.

The series of engaging days were filled with enlightening discussions, collaborative workshops and chances to enact real change within the community. The three-day event engaged with the IE Cares Tutorials, IE Cares Boost Camp, IE Cares Pasugo Message Sharing and IE Recruitment Drive.

During the IE Cares Boost Camp, IES Adviser Prof. Audrey Lyle Diego shared invaluable insights into the work of Industrial Engineering and its importance in the community.

Likewise, the participants gained a boost from Dr. Irene Solano's inspirational talk which left them buzzing with excitement about the endless possibilities within Industrial Engineering.

Through the enriching journey of IE Cares 2024, the participants were inspired by the wealth of knowledge, motivation and community engagement.

Resource speaker was engineer Michael Benavidez.

Hanz Kian Espiritu shared his invaluable OJT experiences and insights, and the comprehensive Tutorials 101 session was led by John Carlo Mabini.

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