Taiwan's soft power

The Foreign Ministry of Taiwan recently invited and hosted a group of ten international media representatives for a week-long visit to Taiwan to experience its sites, culture, technology, and more.

Ten international media representatives from around the world, namely from the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Kuwait, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Togolese Republic, the Republic of Singapore, the Italian Republic, the United States of America, the Republic of Kenya, and the Republic of the Philippines were hosted for one week in Taiwan, staying primarily in Taipei, as well as one day in Tainan, were hosted for a series of courtesy meetings with officials from the government and private sector, while at the same time to have the international group experience the tastes, flavors, and beauty of Taiwan.

At the Taiwan Palace Museum At Hsinchu Business Park

To learn more about Taiwan's soft power, the international media group met with the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC for brevity), where the Deputy Secretary General and her team presented their projects for international connectivity through cultural creativity. For this, the GACC "tells the stories of Taiwan, to strengthen cultural awareness for the coming generation, in order to let the world recognize Taiwan."

Following the courtesy meeting with GACC, the international media group was taken to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Director General for the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture highlighted the advancements in agricultural technology and processes that Taiwan has now been using to assist countries like the Philippines to modernize its agriculture industry.

The programs by the Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture are very favorable for an agriculture-based country like the Philippines. These Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture projects includes an exchange program to host young Filipino farmers to learn about best agricultural practices at various farms in Taiwan.

The session with the Ministry of Agriculture was followed by a brief visit to the Taiwan Tourism Administration, the National Biotechnology Research Park, Taiwan Office of the President tour, the Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan National Palace Museum and to Tainan for the 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival.

The international media representatives were impressed with the various programs and activities that were planned and being currently rolled out by Taiwan to showcase its soft power, highlighting, trade, business, culture, and adventure for strengthening Taiwan's international image.

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