Check Point, MS setting new cybersecurity standards

A LEADING AI-powered, cloud-delivered cybersecurity platform provider has announced a collaboration with Microsoft that utilizes the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to enhance Check Point Software Technologies' Infinity AI Copilot, marking a significant advancement in cybersecurity AI applications.

Infinity AI Copilot is a generative AI service that uses automation to accelerate security administration by up to 90 percent and increase security effectiveness through faster incident mitigation and response.

In today's digital landscape, businesses moving to cloud environments face two major challenges: increasing cyberthreats and a shortage of cybersecurity professionals. This situation puts organizations at greater risk of advanced cyberattacks, often without enough resources to respond effectively.

Check Point Infinity AI Copilot addresses these issues by using AI to automate both common and complex security tasks, lightening the workload for security teams, while also improving security effectiveness against the most sophisticated attacks.

The collaboration with Azure OpenAI Service is a key part of Check Point's strategy to produce generative AI cybersecurity products and services.

"Our collaboration with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service represents a significant leap forward in our mission to offer the most advanced AI-driven security solutions," said Eyal Manor, VP of Product Management at Check Point. "By combining Microsoft's AI expertise and tools with our deep understanding of cybersecurity across networks, clouds and devices, we are setting new benchmarks for what organizations can achieve in their battle against expanding cyberthreats with limited IT resources."

Infinity AI Copilot, already recognized for its innovative approach to cybersecurity, is set to become even more powerful. The enhanced solution now benefits from advanced large language models (LLMs) provided by Microsoft, making it capable of addressing a wide range of cybersecurity challenges with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Check Point has developed and implemented its own prompt engineering, utilizing retrieval augmented generation (RAG) best practice. Regarding Infinity AI Copilot, RAG is used to improve the reliability and accuracy of the service with facts fetched from Check Point sources, including its community forum (called CheckMates), its own product documentation and internal databases for product-specific data.

"Our relationship with Check Point signifies our shared commitment to use AI technology to enhance cybersecurity," said Anat Gil, partners lead for Microsoft South-East Europe.

"By integrating Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service with Check Point Infinity AI Copilot, we are not only advancing the capabilities of AI in protecting digital environments but also empowering organizations to navigate the digital landscape securely and confidently, greatly enhancing the effectiveness of their current security personnel."

This collaboration not only evolves security management but also enhances the overall security framework, ensuring comprehensive protection in today's cloud-centric operational landscape.

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