Russel Tee, innovative curator and gallery owner

Russel Tee is a prime example of someone who has successfully transformed himself. He began his career as a fitness coach but is now a thriving art gallery owner.

As a fitness coach, Tee helped his clients achieve long-term health and fitness goals, including weight management and body shaping.

Sharing his knowledge with his clients and being a health and fitness enthusiast has been a fulfilling experience for him. However, a disagreement caused him to stop coaching. Tee took up psychology at Ateneo University but eventually switched to a business management course.

Tee still personally coaches and enjoys weightlifting because it is his passion. However, he needed to earn a living, so he decided to learn more about modern marketing strategies such as digital and email marketing. He became well-versed in these areas, and digital art became his new passion.

He began to commission artwork — including illustrations and floral art — from foreign artists. He purchased printed versions, framed them, and displayed them in his office and home.

His interest in physical paintings was sparked when he attended the ManilArt national art fair with a friend. Impressed by the creativity of the Filipino artists, and seeing the thriving art scene in the country, Tee searched for a space to open an art gallery while doing online marketing.

Before venturing into art gallery business, Tee studied how to strike a balance between passion and reality. He also tried to learn more about artists whose styles he was interested in.

He knew his gallery would stand out with professional approach, including explaining each artwork's significance. Another plus would be a personalized and unique art gallery that would provide an exceptional experience to visitors.

Tee later founded the Artienda Art Gallery in San Juan City in response to clients' expressed interest in viewing the paintings in person. The space was relatively small, and when he organized shows for his artists, it became crowded with art enthusiasts. This led him to search for a more spacious location.

He found it in the former office building of the Haribon Foundation, which stood vacant for many years.

Tee, the owner and curator, specializes in discovering young artists who work with classical colors. Having received art lessons in his youth, Tee has a deep understanding of the subject. He shares his ideas with the artists, who grasp his vision, leading to captivating and marketable art pieces. These artworks blend classical elements with a modern twist, appealing to both new art buyers and traditional enthusiasts. Their exhibitions at the new venue have been highly successful.

Within two years, Tee created a new market by coming up with a unique concept that connects young professionals. For one, Artienda Art Gallery has transformed into a multi-media creative space where singer Morisette shot an MTV with Sponge Cola for the song "So Close."

Tee said the Philippine art still focuses on established names — a contrast to New York's focus on individualism — which does not connect with his clients. He understands his target market and fulfills their needs, which is a testament to his assertive salesmanship.

Despite a few mistakes along the way, Tee treats them as part of growing up.

Finally, Tee imparted this advise to young artists, "Focus on finding your signature style, refining your craft, and collaborate with agents who understand the art market. Cooperating with art galleries that cater to the type of work you create will be the best approach."

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