Hanabishi, GMA continue partnerships for schools

THE enduring partnership between Hanabishi and GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF) continues, bringing hope and essential comforts to local communities. For over a decade, the two organizations have worked hand in hand, serving as catalysts for positive change and empowerment.

GMAKF Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Rikki Escudero-Catibog shares a compelling vision of a future, where beneficiaries not only receive vital support, but also find empowerment within their communities.

Through targeted initiatives such as supporting sampaguita sellers and broom makers in Tarlac, GMAKF demonstrates a steadfast commitment to providing holistic assistance, encompassing health benefits and support for small businesses.

The integration of Hanabishi products such as air fryers with steamers into these endeavors promises to elevate the quality of life for beneficiaries, addressing practical challenges they face daily.

"The partnership started over 10 years ago. GMA Kapuso Foundation was looking for a reliable appliance partner, [and] one of the biggest brands in home appliances has always been Hanabishi. We were looking to make our classrooms more comfortable for students all over the country," she reveals.

Escudero-Catibog emphasizes the significance of integrating Hanabishi appliances into GMAKF schools across the province of Benguet and beyond. As schools eagerly anticipate completion, Hanabishi's contributions ensure that students' learning environments are conducive to productivity and comfort.

This partnership reflects a shared commitment to nurturing the next generation and fostering positive change within communities.

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