Moira dela Torre's gentler approach to body weight management

In her journey towards body positivity, music princess Moira dela Torre did not only find peace and contentment with her new physique but also became an inspiration to many who are struggling with body image issues.

To be sure, dela Torre shocked fans and followers with her dramatic weight loss. In 2023, she revealed she lost 60 pounds but emphasized it did not happen overnight.

"I actually started all these [fad] diets. I did vegan, keto, intermittent fasting — I did everything!" dela Torre recalled in a media interview for her new endorsement deal.

"I'm sorry, I might have to say this trigger warning — I became bulimic for two years, beginning in 2020, and it only worsened my situation. That led me to gain more weight," the singer-songwriter revealed.

"It was when I stopped putting pressure on myself and started allowing myself to just be me that I got the body that I wanted; I started losing weight gradually."

In an Instagram post in 2023, dela Torre detailed that her journey did not include exercise, diet or surgeries.

Instead, she sought professional help and found out that her weight problems were caused by a combination of stress, depression and misdiagnosed Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) that "messed up her system."

Dela Torre underwent hormonal therapy, and that's when she saw encouraging results. Besides losing weight, the "Malaya" and "Paubaya" hitmaker also started to notice feeling better from the inside.

Reflecting on her journey, dela Torre continued, "I think our body knows when it is well taken care of, and our body knows when it is loved properly. I'm just very grateful because everything happened so gradually; it wasn't a quick thing or a quick fix."

Since then, dela Torre has not only continued the medical intervention but also adopted a more compassionate approach to weight management.

When asked for advice for those facing the same dilemma, dela Torre said, "My message to them is don't be too hard on yourself. I know that is such a cliché, but from my experience, that's how I started losing weight."

The singer-songwriter's journey did not go unnoticed by BonaSlim, which tapped the hitmaker to endorse its 15-in-1 coffee mix.

BonaSlim combines mangosteen, L-Carnitine dietary supplement, inulin, stevia, maringa, barley, green tea extract, guyabano, psyllium husk, and turmeric powder, among other ingredients, to aid in body weight management.

"I'm not just saying this because this is a product endorsement, but when I first met with BonaSlim, they said they are promoting gradual change, which I felt is in line with my experience," dela Torre explained her reason for signing up with the company.

"They were talking about gradual change and change that starts from within and also said BonaSlim assists you in feeling good. So it made me feel like this is something I can actually do," dela Torre expressed to the delight of Bona Vita CEO Jethro Cerezo, who was also present at the event to personally welcome her to the company.

To end, dela Torre had these inspiring words to impart: "Self-love is not a selfish thing. To people who are trying to lose weight, I want you to care more and really think about yourself because that matters more. Don't be too hard on yourself, and be unapologetic when it comes to choosing yourself. It's not a bad thing to do."

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