Pakistan, Philippines: Forging stronger ties for brighter years ahead

PAKISTAN and the Philippines have been partners for 75 years. Moving forward, both nations are optimistic of stronger ties and cooperation for a brighter future.

Pakistan-Philippine bilateral relations

Pakistan and the Philippines have enjoyed reasonably good and rather resilient ties of friendship during last 75 years, regulated through 29 cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) or memoranda of agreements in political, economic, commercial, defence, cultural and social fields.

The recent one on "Defence Cooperation" was signed on May 5, 2022. Official bilateral relations between the two countries commenced with the establishment of the Philippines' Consulate in Karachi on Sept. 9, 1949, followed by the opening of the Philippine Embassy in Karachi in 1956 and the Pakistan Embassy in Manila in September 1957.

In 1954, both countries became alliance partners in the United Stated led Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.

Pakistan's relations with the Philippines form an important component of "Vision East Asia Policy," envisaged in 2003.

The Philippines, a founding member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) is a supporter of our efforts to strengthen our institutional linkages with Asean, including our membership to Asean Regional Forum and Asia Europe Meeting, as well as our quest to attain Full Dialogue Partnership status with Asean.

Institutionalized mechanisms in place

Two institutionalized mechanisms are in place between the two countries namely; Bilateral Policy Consultation Talks (PCTs) and Philippines-Pakistan Joint Economic Commission (JEC).

The 6th round of PCTs at the Foreign Secretaries level was held in January 2018. The first ever JEC meeting was held in Islamabad in February 2018.

Bilateral cooperation

Both countries have signed 29 bilateral agreements or MoUs over the past 7 decades related to consular matters, air services agreement, cultural matters, investment protection matters and for parliamentary cooperation as well.

The latest agreement concluded was on bilateral defence cooperation in May 2022.

Trade relations

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and the Philippines for the financial year 2023 stood at $ 216.247 million. Besides rice, Pakistan is the 3rd largest supplier of citrus to the Philippines.

Pakistan's exports to the Philippines were recorded at $194.09 million as compared to imports from Philippines, which stood at $ 22.15 million during period 2023.

Defence relations

Both countries have signed an MoU on Defence Cooperation in Manila on May 5, 2022, which has been ratified by the Philippines Government in January 2024.

Pakistan community in the Philippines

Currently, around 1,271 Pakistanis are living in the Philippines. The Embassy is actively engaged in extending consular and legal assistance to Pakistanis in distress.

As a result of our efforts, which have been generously supported by the Pak-Phil Friendship Association of Pakistanis, several Pakistanis who were in jails have been released or acquitted. There has hardly been any complaint on the Prime Minister's Performance Delivery Unit portal in the last 3 years ever since it was inaugurated.

There are an estimated 2,000 plus Filipinos in Pakistan which include Filipina spouses, professionals in information technoloyg, hotel industry, nurses, therapists, religious missionaries and more.

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