Filipino fashion designer files case vs vlogger

MANILA, Philippines: Renowned fashion designer Rodolfo "Puey" Quiñones filed a lawsuit against Los Angeles-based Filipino vlogger Claire Eden Contreras, also known as Maharlika, before the Superior Court of California at the County of Los Angeles in a case that even dragged the name of First Lady Marie Louise "Liza" Araneta-Marcos.

Quiñones, who also resides in Los Angeles, filed a complaint for defamation against the vlogger on March 1, 2024 after she ignored the cease-and-desist letter of the fashion designer in December 2023 asking her to retract and correct the statements she issued on her vlog posted on her Youtube page maligning him.

In her video titled "Designer Iskaameer, Ka Tandem Ni Butod" posted on her channel Boldyak TV on Youtube, Contreras alleged that the creations of Quiñones were counterfeit and not his own. She also said that Quiñones has been swindling the first lady, one of his many clients, and the Filipino people.

"These accusations have greatly impacted me, my business, my reputation and my life," Quiñones said in an online press briefing early Friday, March 22.

In the cease-and-desist letter sent to Contreras, Quiñones' lawyer Payam Tavakoli asked the vlogger to stop issuing defamatory statements against the designer.

"Your ruthless remarks have caused permanent, harmful, and devastating consequences to our client and his company. Your claims are baseless and are built upon your hate for our client rather than tangible facts," Tavakoli said.

Quiñones said that Contreras' allegations caused him mental distress.

"I can't believe someone would accuse me of scamming the people of the Philippines. I don't want trouble and stress," he said, adding that Contreras was a total stranger to him.

Tavakoli said they were seeking at least $2 million in compensatory damages, as well as punitive damages to be determined during the court trial, and other reliefs which the court may deem just and proper.

The designer said that he initially didn't want to take the vlogger to court. However, he said that Contreras' vlog affected him so much and his businesses took a hit because of the said vlog. He said that some of his projects were put on hold or canceled after the vlog was released.

"My lawyers have sent Ms. Contreras a cease-and desist letter demanding that she take down her video, and retract her false statements. However, Ms. Contreras has refused our request, even though she has no first-hand knowledge of my professional ties with the First Lady," Quiñones said.

When asked if he's willing to settle,, Quiñones and his lawyer Keith Gregory said that they were past that.

"I deserve justice," Quiñones said.

Bobon, Northern Samar-born Quiñones was the featured designer in the 2002 award-winning documentary The World's Most Fashionable Prison. He was also a finalist in The Philippines Young Designers Competition for Paris also in 2002.

Quiñones also designed dresses for Hollywood celebrities like Melissa McCarthy, Ireland Baldwin and Katy Perry, among others.

He was one of the recipients of People Asia's People of the Year 2024 award given on March 20.

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