PH can 'hit the mark' on precision medicine

GETTING a stage 4 cancer diagnosis no longer feels like a death sentence with the advances in early detection, innovative therapies and an increased understanding of cancer treatment options.

New Vois Association of the Philippines President Emer Rojas is a survivor of stage 4 laryngeal cancer and has been living cancer-free for the past 22 years. He has transformed his personal battle with cancer into a lifelong commitment to improving public health, using his voice to advocate patient-centered healthcare in the Philippines.

"Cancer patients should be empowered to be a part of the decision-making process – from the diagnosis stage to after the treatment. However, they cannot be empowered if they are not educated about the disease and the treatment options available to them," Rojas said.

It is in this regard that MSD in the Philippines launched the "Hit the Mark" campaign to raise awareness on the value of personalized medicine to achieve better patient outcomes.

Supported by patient groups, medical societies, laboratories, and other healthcare companies, the campaign aims to drive equitable access to biomarker testing and other innovative treatment options for cancer patients in the Philippines through impactful multi-stakeholder collaborations.

"Biomarkers are information in the tumor that gives us a guide on what are its mutations and how to tailor the treatment. Much like how each individual has their own unique fingerprints, each individual has their own unique tumor profile, and no two patients are alike," Philippine Society of Oncologists (PSO) President Herdee Glorianne Luna said.

Through biomarker testing, doctors can look for genes, proteins, and other substances that may provide crucial information about how one's cancer behaves and, in turn, inform personalized treatment options for the patient.

Personalized treatments, also known as precision medicine, is the new standard of quality cancer care, and its guiding principle is to deliver the appropriate cancer treatment to eligible patients at the right time.

"This is why I advocate for personalized medicine. People need to know that there are advancements in science, medicine, and treatments, and all of these can help improve patient outcomes," Luna shared.

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