Marcos, first lady condition improve, says Palace

MANILA, Philippines: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and First Lady Marie Louise "Liza" Araneta-Marcos still have flu-like symptoms but their conditions have improved, Malacañang said Thursday.

Presidential Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil said the President and the first lady have maintained stable vital signs but were advised to continue medications, rest, and hydration for full recovery.

"The President continues to work in his residence, handling correspondence and directives within medical advice," Garafil said in a statement.

"He anticipates resuming full public engagements soon, per his physician's clearance," she added.

Marcos and the first lady had developed flu-like symptoms following their foreign trips and full schedule the past few days.

On Wednesday, Garafil said all of the President's appointments in the succeeding days, including the presidential luncheon hosted by the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines on Thursday, have been canceled.

Marcos was supposed to attend an event in Quezon City Wednesday afternoon, but skipped it due to "urgent matters."

Last week, the President and the first lady were in Europe for a working visit to Germany and state visit to the Czech Republic.

The President's trip to the two European nations comes on the heels of his back-to-back trips in Australia.

Aside from Canberra and Melbourne, Australia, the President also embarked on a state visit in January to Hanoi, Vietnam.

He also attended the wedding of Prince Mateen, the 10th child of Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, in Bandar Seri Begawan earlier in the year.

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