Why a great place to work breeds passionate people

IMAGINE a workplace that isn't just a source of income but a breeding ground for personal growth and fulfillment. This is the reality of "a great place to work," where an enthusiastic company culture fosters passionate employees. But is it possible to have a strong professional commitment to our careers while pursuing the interests that make up our personal lives?

Creating a workplace that fosters a positive and fulfilling environment is essential for cultivating passionate individuals. A great place to work goes beyond the traditional notions of job satisfaction; it actively nurtures a culture that inspires and encourages employees to be passionate about what they do. This synergy between the workplace and passion is a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

In the pursuit of professional excellence, the role of passion in the workplace is undeniable. It serves as a driving force, propelling people to achieve remarkable feats and fostering a sense of fulfillment. However, this hunger for professional development, when left unchecked, can inadvertently lead to burnout. This is something that everybody should stay away from because recovering from burnout demands a lot of our physical and emotional well-being.

Moreover, according to the Women in Business 2024 report, it is imperative to understand the importance of adhering to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) and environment, social and governance (ESG) strategies as they are currently proven to be very effective among mid-market businesses. With these, it gives importance to how DE&I and ESG strategies can aid in alleviating the dedication and exhaustion of passion and work.I

In exploring the thin line between dedication and exhaustion, the dynamic landscape of modern careers easily unfolds. To help you better understand how a great place to work can breed passionate people while keeping them from burning out, here are a few things to look out for:

Organizational point of view

It is important to acknowledge that while "passion" is being used more and more, not all businesses share the same notion of "passion." According to a 2023 article by Harvard Business School, "the increasing use of passion should come with the recognition that it may not always be the right focus for all organizations." Furthermore, the article also mentioned how Hannah Weisman, a post-doctoral researcher, noted leadership engagement with successful companies' idea of passion.

As Weisman notes, "Leaders would benefit from reflecting on and being honest about what they mean by 'passion.' For instance, if they are seeking to hire 'passionate' employees, to what end? To attract employees who are willing to work hard, commit to long hours, and endure a challenging, ambiguous work environment? If so, perhaps emphasizing passion is not the best way of doing so because it may not set the right expectations in the minds of prospective employees."

Leaders are most effective when they inspire enthusiasm for the company's mission and values rather than dictating individual passions. This fosters a collective sense of purpose, allowing employees to find their unique ways to contribute and bring their own passions to the table.

Leaders must lead for the rest to follow

Once the company has established how it wants to set its idea of "passion," then it's the leader's job to set an example. It's true that leaders will find it challenging to ensure work-life integration for every individual staff in their team; however, it is not impossible. Moreover, employees' perceptions of how their work-life integration impacts their career and their standing within the organization are significantly influenced by their leader's effectiveness in managing the company. This implies that decision-making by employees is greatly influenced by leaders. With this, it is important to note that CEOs are the most responsible in terms of being responsible for DE&I initiatives (40.2 percent), according to the Women in Business report. In the report, it is implied that having an inclusive community in the company includes the welfare of all employees.

According to a 2022 article by Forbes, instead of a vague and open interpretation of work-life balance, "leaders need to provide for their team members a definition that is relevant to the current business environment." As such, this clarity can serve as a guidepost to employers and employees alike. It can be helpful in developing policies, luring and retaining talent, and, if embraced as a corporate principle, can guide employee behavior at all levels of the organization.

To further support this, a fresh 2023 study by Harvard Business School mentioned how managers should be role models for their employees. The article said: "Be the change you want to see. Showcase who you are outside of the office and what else matters, whether that's a three-week fly-fishing trip or being present for your kids' games or recitals." The more explicit the communication, the better the employees will perceive the passion ignited by their bosses.

Understanding work-life integration

Passionate people thrive in an atmosphere that values their contributions, recognizes their potential, and provides opportunities for continuous learning and development. When individuals feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to invest their energy and commitment into their work. This enthusiasm enhances their output quality and contributes to the workplace's success and vibrancy.

For the most part, it is crucial to understand that work-life integration doesn't necessarily mean an equal split between professional and personal time; rather, it emphasizes the need for harmony between the two. Rather than striving for a strict separation, it is encouraged for employees to weave elements of work and personal life together seamlessly. Embracing this approach may allow employees to pursue their passions beyond work, which in turn revitalizes their sense of purpose and sparks creativity within their professional roles.

In addition, having a work-life integration enhances the DE&I of the business through its working model. In the Woman in Business 2024 report conducted by Grant Thornton International, the preferred working model in the Philippines is the hybrid setup (42.2 percent) and then the office-based setup (37.3 percent). Providing flexibility, such as the option to work from home, creates opportunities for employees, particularly women, to integrate their personal and professional lives seamlessly.

Finding a synergy between being passionate about work and pursuing life's other passions is a delicate yet essential aspect of a fulfilling lifestyle. It involves understanding that work is an integral part of life but should complement rather than overshadow personal interests and well-being. A workplace that values the importance of work-life integration empowers individuals to bring their authentic selves to their roles while concurrently exploring their passions beyond the office walls.

In conclusion, a great place to work goes beyond providing a paycheck; it becomes a hub of inspiration and fulfillment. A leader who understands both the business' perception of passion as well as leads his or her employees toward this perception while simultaneously harmonizing both the employees' and the business' passion for work-life integration is something that all successful businesses must understand.

Individuals contribute not only to the success of the organization but also to their own personal growth and well-being. And by fostering a "go beyond" mindset while maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle, one might achieve such success.

Jonavell B. Santiago is a partner for audit and assurance at P&A Grant Thornton. One of the leading audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing firms in the Philippines, P&A Grant Thornton is composed of 29 partners and 1,500 staff members. We'd like to hear from you! Tweet us at @GrantThorntonPH, like us on Facebook at P&A Grant Thornton, and email your comments to pagrantthornton@ph.gt.com. For more information, visit our website at www.grantthornton.com.ph.

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