Health experts urge Filipinos to be vigilant against shingles

HEALTH experts joined forces with global biopharma company GSK to launch a nationwide awareness campaign that would educate the public on the risks, impact and prevention of shingles, a debilitating viral infection. Often overlooked, shingles could lead to serious complications if not treated properly, particularly among older adults. The risk of shingles would sharply increase at the age of 50.

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, was caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus responsible for chicken pox. Anyone, who has been exposed to the chickenpox virus, might develop shingles as the virus lay dormant in nerve tissue and could reactivate years later.

The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the disease, how it could impact the quality of life and the importance of consulting a doctor for early disease prevention. The initiative also sought to correct misconceptions and provide reliable information straight from health care professionals and those who experienced the disease.

Shingles caused a painful skin rash that often blisters and scabs over in 10 to 15 days. There's a significant chance that shingles could lead to serious complications. About 30 percent of patients with shingles experienced long-term nerve pain. One out of four patients with shingles could get infected near the eye, which may lead to blindness in some cases.

Infectious Diseases Specialist Rontgene Solante said, "Shingles is not just an ordinary rash. It has complications that can lead to higher morbidity. It can lead to depression, anxiety and it can also affect your vision."

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