Makati HS ready for VEX Robotics Competition in US

FOUR students of Makati High School will represent the Philippines in the 2024 VEX Robotics World Competition to be held at Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, from April 25 to May 3, 2024.

The "Makatrix" robotics team headed by coach Zernie Pugao and composed of Grade 12 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) students John Ashley Alvarado, Enriquito Yamzon, Brian Bernabe and Fritz Rivera bagged the top prize in the 2024 VEX Robotics Competition Philippine National Championship last February 24.

Makatrix will compete in the Over Under Division for Grades 6 to 12 against 11,500 teams from 40 countries in over 750 tournaments.

This is good news for the country, Pugao said, because students will be more visible and more focused on their different talents.

"I was so happy when I found out that our team would be able to compete in robotics in Texas. I realized this is a great opportunity to showcase our excellence not only across the country but worldwide. This is also a good opportunity to consider robotics education in the Philippine curriculum," Pugao said.

Makati High School, especially the senior high school (SHS) robotics team, is grateful for the initiatives the city's local government and Schools Division Office took in providing various robotics resources and infrastructure, as well as the registration fee for the world competition.

Pugao reminded Makatrix and others participating in similar competitions to encourage good fellowship with fellow players and, most of all, "don't forget to enjoy the game."

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