Fair weather with scattered rains in PH—Pagasa

MANILA, Philippines: The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said most parts of the country may expect fair weather but with chances of scattered rains due to localized thunderstorms, over the next 24 hours.

In its 4 a.m. bulletin Saturday, the weather agency said the easterlies or the hot wind coming from the Pacific Ocean will be the dominant weather system.

However, the northeast monsoon or amihan will continue to bring cold winds to most parts of northern Luzon.

In its extended forecast, fair weather will prevail in the next three days with the afternoons and nights being hot and humid due to the easterlies.Chances of scattered light rains are also expected due to localized thunderstorms, according to weather specialist Daniel James Villamil.

While no gale warning was issued, fishers with small seacraft are advised to take precautionary measures when sailing into the eastern section of the country, as light to moderate waves are expected.

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