Embassy launches Italian cuisine workshop for Tondo kids

THE kids of Tondo, Manila, are now becoming equipped with new expertise in world-class Italian cookery.

To provide an avenue for more career options for underprivileged kids in Tondo, the Embassy of Italy in the Philippines organized a cooking workshop on traditional Italian recipes, which was the third activity lined up under the "The Embassy of Italy meets the youth of Tondo" festival. It aimed at exposing the youth to a variety of cultural activities until July, intended to contribute to their personal and professional growth.

The event was held at the Fr. Gioacchino Hall, San Pablo Apostol Parish, last January 30.

Spearheaded by His Excellency, Italian Ambassador to the Philippines Marco Clemente, in partnership with the Canossa-Tondo Children's Foundation Inc. (CTCFI) of Father Giovanni Gentilin, over 50 kids learned kitchen secrets to cooking and preparing traditional Italian dishes.

Officiated by CTCFI Managing Director Teresita Carmelo, among the dishes taught in the workshop included an aperitivo (appetizer) called Crostini (Italian toast), Penne Alla Bolognese and Spiedini Di Petto Di Pollo for the Primo Piatto (First Plate) and Secondo Piatto (Second Plate), and Mango Panna Cotta for dolce (dessert).

The ambassador promised that the embassy's efforts would not stop at the event. In fact, the embassy has lined up several activities for the youth of Tondo this 2024.

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