Celebrities hoping to have lucky Dragon babies

WHAT do married couples Sarah Geronimo and Matteo Guidicelli, and Ellen Adarna and Derek Ramsay share in common? Both pairs wish they'd be blessed with dragon babies.

We welcome the Year of the Water Dragon this February 10. There must be something about this fire-spewing mythical creature that makes both couples want to see their respective babies born into the Christian world.

As for Sarah-Matteo, having an infant to cradle and take care of is — in fact — long overdue. After all, how long have they been married?

Remember Sarah's supposed huge concert in Pampanga October last year? Last minute, the highly anticipated gig was called off "for medical reasons" on Sarah's part.

No, it wasn't because she was finally going to be a mom herself. It was — in her words — her vocal unpreparedness that had caused the cancellation.

Sarah's legion of fans could only sigh in sheer disappointment.

The general public thought so, too. Sarah's having a baby is expected to reunite her with her parents, leading to the latter's acceptance of her and the man she chose to marry.

Seeing their grandchild — whether a boy or a girl — is enough for the ecstatic, exuberant Geronimo couple to soften their hearts.

"Sana [Hopefully] 'dragon baby'," Matteo wished in his last interview.

Of course, Sarah is aware of her physical limitations as far as mounting her shows is concerned.

Expect a still-powerful voice on stage sans the dynamo of an energy her rabid audience has been accustomed to.

To watch out for with bated breath is Sarah's happy yet emotional spiel as she shares with her fans the good news.

Oh, we can't wait to see it happen anytime soon!

Meanwhile, at their swanky Ayala Alabang abode, Derek and Ellen are not exactly first-time parents.

The forty-something Filipino-British actor already has a teenager son named Austin from a previous relationship.

Ellen — as the public knows — mothers five-year-old son Elias Modesto by John Lloyd Cruz.

Much earlier than the Guidicelli couple, both Derek and Ellen had expressed their desire to have a dragon-born baby.

As Ellen has said time and again, "Having three people in the house born in the Year of the Dragon brings good luck!" referring to Derek, herself and their would be-baby.

Unfortunately, at the mediacon of his festival entry last year Derek did not seem in his best element as he talked about Ellen's miscarriage.

They were on vacation in Spain some time in November when Ellen suffered bleeding.

It was at the hospital upon their return where the couple learned about the sad news: "That's why I still feel quite incoherent," Derek admitted.

Albeit with a dampened spirit, the actor finds solace in knowing that Ellen can still conceive a baby, well, hopefully this year.

Whereas before Derek's wish is to have a baby boy: "Now I want a baby girl!"

Admittedly racing against time, "I just hope we'll have it soon. I'm not getting any younger!"

* * *

GUESS WHO? No one comes close to this famous female figure (FFF) when it comes to "gut feel."

At all times, her hunch as to her husband's "extracurricular activities" never fails her. The FFF can smell some woman flirting with her hubby from a mile. Pray she doesn't get caught or she'll end up a corpse.

Once the FFF got wind that her husband was playing beautiful music with an actress (A).

It seemed the romance blossomed on the set of the film they were doing.

Scared of what the FFF was capable of doing, the guilt-stricken husband confessed to the affair.

The FFF thought of confronting the A her husband had a short-lived affair with.

But how could she when the A was neither at home nor at a film shoot but confined at a hospital?

Would the FFF stake her name and create a scandal in a supposedly noise-free place? Of course not.

As the next best option, the FFF phoned the hospital and asked to be connected to the A's suite.

It was A who picked up the FFF's irate call.

FFF to A: Kung hindi ka aalis sa ospital ngayon din, susugurin kita (If you don't leave the hospital right now, I will come and get you)!"

The FFF hung up. Fraught with fear, the A hastily packed her stuff and left the hospital suite in a huff.

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