BioSenic reports half year 2024 results


The interim financial report is prepared in accordance with article 13 of the Royal Decree on the obligations of issuers of financial instruments admitted to trading on a regulated market and can be accessed on the website of Biosenic in the section 'Financial reports'. BioSenic publishes its interim financial report in English. A French translation of the report will also be made available. In the event of differences between the English and the French version of the report, the original French version will prevail.


Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, 30 September 2024, 7am CEST - BioSenic (Euronext Brussels and Paris: BIOS), the clinical stage company specializing in serious autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and cell repair, today publishes its business update for the first half, ended 30 June 2024, prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, and the outlook for the remainder of the year.

Clinical and corporate highlights of 2024

In January 2024, Dr Carole Nicco has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer (COO) in addition to her position as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO).In January 2024, BioSenic's subsidiary, Medsenic SAS, signed a binding term sheet with Phebra PTY Ltd. related to an adaptation of the License Agreement and the MDA signed in May 2021.In January 2024, BioSenic filed for a U.S. patent for JTA-004, a viscosupplement in late-stage clinical development, following a post hoc analysis showing its efficacy in a recently defined subtype of osteoarthritis (OA).In January 2024, BioSenic has been granted a patent by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office to expand protection of the arsenic trioxide (ATO) platform. The patent, titled "Use of metal ions to potentiate the therapeutic effects of arsenic”, covers the use of ATO platform in combination with metal ions such as copper.In March 2024, BioSenic published an open-access article describing an optimized schedule for administration of oral arsenic trioxide (OATO) treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD), based on an earlier post-hoc analysis of Phase II data.In June 2024, BioSenic's board of directors acknowledged the resignation of Mr Yves Sagot as an independent director of the Company, with effect from the Company's 2024 ordinary general meeting.In July 2024, BioSenic signed of global licensing, supply and commercialization agreements with Phebra Pty Ltd. related to the adaptation of the License Agreement and the MDA signed earlier in May 2021, when Phebra became a minority shareholder in Medsenic SAS.In July 2024, BioSenic filed of the continuation patent application US 18/763,376 with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) to provide protection for the use of arsenic trioxide (ATO) for the prevention and treatment of sepsis syndrome.In July 2024, BioSenic released new in-depth analysis of its positive phase 2 clinical data for optimal administration scheme for its next late-stage trial of arsenic trioxide (ATO) targeting cGvHD.In August 2024, BioSenic announced the granting of a key patent by the Japan Patent Office to expand protection of the arsenic trioxide (ATO) platform.In August 2024, BioSenic announced that the European Patent Office (EPO) has granted an important new EU patent to its subsidiary Medsenic "method for treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis using arsenic trioxide". In September 2024, Véronique Pomi-Schneiter stands down as BioSenic's Deputy CEO. Financial highlights of 2024

In January 2024, BioSenic signed a new subscription agreement for a maximum EUR 1.2 million convertible bonds facility, arranged by ABO Securities through its affiliated entity Global Tech Opportunities 15.In February 2024, BioSenic raised EUR 500,000 via a private placement.In April 2024, BioSenic filed a debt restructuring plan with the clerk's office of the Walloon Brabant Enterprise Court, with a view to requesting the Court to open private judicial reorganization proceedings by collective agreement and to obtain the agreement of creditors on a plan to reorganize BioSenic's debt. Please refer to the press releases of 11 April 2024,12 April 2024 and 26 April 2024 on this subject for further information.In April 2024, in view of the debt restructuring plan, BioSenic postponed its annual general meeting of the shareholders.In May 2024, BioSenic provided its business update for the first quarter, ended the 31 March 2024. In May 2024, the Walloon Brabant Enterprise Court registered the positive votes of the majority of BioSenic's creditors on the debt restructuring plan.In June 2024, BioSenic announced its business update and full year financial results for the year ending 31 December 2023, prepared in accordance with IFRS. In June 2024, BioSenic received the homologation judgment for the restructuring plan filed with the Enterprise Court of Nivelles, making it binding on all deferred creditors, and the measures provided for therein will continue until June 2029, the end of the five-year period set by law. The restructuring plan can be accessed via the following link: 04/PRJ_BioSenic_FR.pdfIn June 2024, BioSenic signed a new subscription agreement for a maximum EUR 2.1 million convertible bonds facility, arranged by ABO Securities through its affiliated entity Global Tech Opportunities 15.During the first six months of 2024, total operating income amounted to EUR 2.69 million, compared to EUR 0.37 million in H1 2023.Operating loss for the period amounted to EUR 0.47 million, compared to EUR 3.90 million in H1 2023.BioSenic ended the first six months of 2024 with EUR 0.82 million in cash and cash equivalents. Net cash used for the period amounted to EUR 0.70 million, compared to EUR 1.33 million over the same period of 2023. Outlook for the remainder of 2023 and 2024

Following the homologation judgement of 13 June 2024, BioSenic will take the necessary decisions to implement the approved plan and, notably, to retrocede its rights to the JTA and ALLOB technologies to the Walloon Region and to stop all activities in relation to such technologies. The Medsenic Phase II clinical study with arsenic trioxide in the first-line treatment of cGvHD has been completed and provided positive results. A Phase III study with oral arsenic trioxide in the first-line treatment of cGvHD, for which Medsenic received positive pre-IND response from the FDA, is currently anticipated to start in 2024. A Phase IIa clinical trial for systemic lupus erythematosus ("SLE") had previously established safety for the patient and efficacy on the course of the autoimmune disease. Positive preclinical work gives good grounds for a Phase II clinical trial on systemic sclerosis ("SSc"). Phase IIb clinical trials for SLE and SSc are in the planning stage with the protocols for both studies being ready. It will only be possible to start the SLE and SSc Phase 2b clinical trials if the BioSenic Group succeeds in concluding a strong partnership with a biopharmaceutical company or if it manages to successfully out-license some of its technology. The start of SLE and SSc Phase II clinical trials is therefore not envisioned before 2025.

Maximum cost reduction and disciplined cash management will remain a key priority, and the situation will be closely and actively monitored.

The Company will actively initiate the search for new assets through M&A processes.

Negotiations with BioSenic's creditors will also be initiated as part of the potential sale of BioSenic's stake in Medsenic and other intellectual property assets held by BioSenic, and with a view to continuing the debt restructuring effort initiated following the court's approval of the plan.

The Company has also invited Medsenic's representatives to urgently carry out a refinancing of Medsenic in which BioSenic will not participate.

Financing for the next few months has been secured by means of an amendment to the convertible bond contract with GTO 15, allowing up to EUR 1.5 million to be drawn down, including at least two tranches of EUR 0.2 million net without any liquidity conditions.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

(in thousands of euros)

 For the six-months period ended30/06/202430/06/2023Revenues 00Other operating income2,694365Total revenues and operating income2,694365Research and development expenses(1,628)(2,452)General and administrative expenses(1,532)(1,813)Other operating expenses(1)(1)Operating profit/(loss)(467)(3,900)Financial Income1,57935Interest income2430Impairment expenses0(16,094)Financial expenses(787)(1,136)Exchange gains/(losses)11   Result Profit/(loss) before taxes349(21,063)Income taxes0(24)Result Profit/(loss) for the Period349(21,087)Thereof attributable to:   Owners of the Company495(20,843) Non-controlling interests(146)(244)   Other comprehensive income00   TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/(LOSS) OF THE PERIOD349(21,087)Thereof attributable to:   Owners of the Company495(20,843) Non-controlling interests(146)(244)   Basic and diluted loss per share (in euros)0.003(0.17) Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Consolidated Assets IFRS per:

(in thousands of euros)



 Non-current assets6,8087,713Intangible assets2,9842,989Property, plant and equipment591698Finance lease receivable322398Investments in associates1212Other non-current assets53135R&D Tax Credits2,8453,480   Current assets2,5401,846Trade and other receivables1,1871,315Other current assets437272Finance lease receivable148141Cash and cash equivalents816117   TOTAL ASSETS9,3969,559

Consolidated Equity & Liabilities IFRS per:

(in thousands of euros)



 Equity attributable to owners of the parent(20,465)(22,912)Share capital8,1756,275Share premium5,8395,720Accumulated losses and other reserves(34,396)(34,887)       Other reserves(82)(20)   Non-controlling interests61207Total Equity(20,403)(22,705)   Non-current liabilities23,31316,420Interest bearing borrowings23,23316,340Other non-current liabilities8080   Current liabilities7,43415,844Interest bearing borrowings3,56111,821Trade and other payables2,8313,871Current tax liabilities05Other current liabilities94147   Total liabilities29,79932,264TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES9,3969,559 Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

(in thousands of euros)

 For the six-month period ended 30 June20242023   CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES  Operating profit/(loss)(467) (3,900)Adjustments for:  Depreciation and Amortisation106101Share-based compensation(63)0Grants income related to tax credit(48)(115)Grants income related to withholding tax(5)(47)Other(141)(68)   Movements in working capital:  (Increase)/Decrease in Trade and other receivables (excluding government grants)(125)(34)Increase/(Decrease) in Trade and other Payables(827)492   Cash used by operations(1,569)(3,570)Cash received from license agreement0940Cash received from grants related to tax credit735700Net cash used in operating activities(834) Read The Rest at :