Pagcor casinos set to receive 2K new slot machines

PHILIPPINE Amusement and Gaming Corp. (Pagcor) Chairman and CEO Alejandro Tengco announced on September 10 that nearly 2,000 units of new and modern slot machines for Casino Filipino gaming venues would be delivered mid-September as part of the agency's modernization program. During the opening of the IAG Academy Summit at the Hilton Manila, Tengco said the delivery of the new machines would level up the game offerings of Casino Filipino branches nationwide to increase foot traffic and boost overall profitability. "As we prepare for the planned privatization of Pagcor casinos, we intend to increase their value by modernizing our gaming facilities and equipment to make them more attractive to potential investors," the Pagcor chief said during his keynote address. The agency has ordered a total of 3,341 new slot machines identical to those that are being used in the country's top integrated resort casinos. The first batch arriving within the week consists of 1,968 units. Tengco also updated the audience about other ongoing programs of the agency, including the projected opening of more integrated resorts in key tourist destinations in the country in the next several years. The IAG Summit, organized by the B2B print and digital gaming magazine "Inside Asian Gaming," is held every September in Manila. It brings together movers and shakers in the Asian gaming industry and features a wide range of speakers from across the region.
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