Seameo Innotech hosts agri symposium marking 75 years of PH-TH relations

THE Southeast Asian Ministers of Education-Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (Seameo Innotech) hosted a pivotal symposium dedicated to "Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Sustainable Development," commemorating 75 years of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Thailand on Aug. 27, 2024.

The event celebrated the strong ties between the two countries and delved into cutting-edge strategies for promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

The symposium was inaugurated by Seameo Innotech director and former Education chief Leonor Magtolis-Briones, PhD, who greeted the distinguished ambassadors from Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam, along with other participants.

Asst. Prof. Nuchanata Mungkung followed with an address, emphasizing the value of ongoing cooperation between the Philippines and Thailand.

In his keynote address, Thai Ambassador to the Philippines Tull Traisorat reflected on the fruitful history of diplomatic relations between the two nations, expressing eagerness for future collaborative endeavors and a deeper bond.

The event showcased a series of enlightening presentations by esteemed experts.

Asst. Prof. Suwanna Sayruamyat from Kasetsart University explored the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)'s "Application in Agriculture and Sustainable Development."

She provided a historical perspective on Thailand's growth, an overview of SEP, and its role in agriculture, SMEs and national progress.

Her talk concluded with a compelling quote from Theodore Schultz, a Nobel Laureate from 1979, addressing current agricultural challenges and potential solutions.

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (Searca) director Glenn Gregorio, PhD, delivered insights on 典ransforming Southeast Asia痴 Agri-Food Landscape.・

His presentation highlighted Searca痴 forward-thinking approaches, such as ecosystem-oriented thinking, circular value chains, and technological advancements in agriculture.

He also discussed Searca痴 School-Plus-Home Gardens Project and its benefits for nutrition and local economies, along with recent research initiatives on carbon farming and future strategies.

Rodmyr Datoon, PhD, from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) focused on "Embodying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in UPLB Programs."

He showcased UPLB's dedication to principles of moderation, reasonableness and self-immunity in agricultural programs.

Datoon also highlighted UPLB's research and innovations, training courses, its responsiveness to the community and demonstration stations.

Seameo Innotech reaffirms its dedication to enhancing Philippine-Thai relations and fostering sustainable development.

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