Meet Filipino inspirational crooner Jeffrey Querubin

How does a Filipino working as Area Head in Philippine National Bank (PNB) Remittance Center Inc. in Northern California, USA balance his financial work and still be called an inspirational crooner and songwriter?

We interviewed Jeffrey Querubin about this and here is that conversation.

Do you come from a musically gifted family? Who influenced you to become a singer?

Singing has been a passion of mine since childhood. Despite financial constraints that prevented formal music training, I nurtured my talent through school programs and choirs, using it to build confidence and inspire others. My family has a musical lineage, and becoming a recording artist and songwriter during the pandemic was a surprising development. I didn't plan for this or dream of it as a career; I simply love singing and see it as a gift from God to share and inspire.

Jeffrey Querubin

What is the World Championship of the Performing Arts all about? Why did you decide to join?

The World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA) is the international competition often cited as the Official Talent Olympics for aspiring performers and entertainers. This is competition features acting, singing, dancing, modeling, instrumentalists, and variety categories.

I am grateful that I represented the United States of America in the 27th WCOPA from June 8 to July 6 this year. Despite of carrying the flag of the United States of America, in my heart I am a Filipino, who performed on the world stage. I am thankful to Team Worldstars USA for welcoming me to their team. I joined the said competition, to inspire more people, for me to let the world hear one of the songs I have written, "I See The Light," and hoping to record and soon released the song.

Joining the said competition is not all about recognition and the awards I could attain. I was not able to hit an award, but what's important is the learning experience. I will continue to be an 'inspirational crooner.'

What are the challenges of wanting to become an artist, but at the same time earning a living as a regular employee?

I have so many doubts and fears on how to balance my passion in singing and my passion with my career as working professional. I am grateful that the Lord gave me the grace to know the wisdom to really know my purpose and my intention of entering the world of music industry.

From the start, I worried whether people would appreciate my songs and accept me as an artist. I'm not focused on whether my songs become hits or if I gain fame. My goal is to inspire through the music I sing and share the stories of my songs. I'm deeply grateful to those who have supported my craft and helped me become the artist I am today while allowing me to maintain my professional career. I am also forever thankful to the Above for the grace.

How has Curve Entertainment supported your journey as an artist and helped you grow in your music career?

In 2020, Curve Entertainment gave me the opportunity to be one of their talents and introduced me as the Inspirational Crooner with my first single, "Kapit Lang," a timely song for the Covid outbreak. This breakthrough allowed me to inspire the world through my original compositions. I'm grateful to Curve Management for their trust and for providing a platform to release my songs, which has deepened my love for my craft. Joining the Curve family made me realize how the Lord has used me to inspire others through my music. I will forever be indebted to sir Narcisco Chan for the chance to revive songs by Lea Salonga, Ebe Dencel, and Stephen Curtis Chapman, and for my nominations in the 2021 and 2023 Awit Awards.

If you were to review your journey as an artist, what aspect of your career do you think you need to improve and how will you do it?

Every day is a learning process. As an artist, I need to improve in writing and interpreting my songs. I'm not the best vocalist or singer, but I will keep honing my craft and embracing constructive criticism. I won't compare myself to others; instead, I'll rely on my authenticity and vulnerability. I aim to write inspirational songs and remain open to opportunities. I'm grateful to Curve Entertainment for their belief in me. While I may not be famous or have a massive hit yet, I will continue to learn and grow, trusting that the right time will come.

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