Glenn Aquias on honoring Ruggero Barbieri

Here are some quotes from people whose lives were touched by the late Maestro Ruggero Barbier truly touched several lives.

Dena Fernandez, Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra viola player, was one of them

"The maestro was a blessing to the PPO, because he was able to unite all the musicians to work as one and set aside their differences under his leadership. He has a strong charisma and brought out the best in every musician," Fernandez said.

The late Zenaida "Nedy" Tantoco, past CEO and Chair of Rustan Commercial Corporation and SSI Group,Inc. and former Cultural Center of the Philippines Trustee once also said, "Maestro Ruggero Barbieri was unique because I have never met anyone else with the same total dedication and passion for his craft. A passion you read only in books. His whole life was his music, his being a maestro of his beloved orchestra meant everything to him. He gave everything he could give to the PPO. And he truly brought them to new heights."

Those achievements are quite a challenge for our featured artist today, Glenn Aquias. He is the first recipient of the Ruggero Barbieri Conducting Fellowship in Casa San Miguel.

Glenn is 27 years old, a cellist, arranger and composer and now a conductor in training. He was a delegate to the Asian Youth Orchestra (2017), the Russian-Asean Orchestra same year; the 2018 PMF Asian Fellowship program. In 2019 he toured with the Pundaquit Virtuosi in Europe. Glenn was also a NAMCYA finalist in 2015. He has performed with UST Symphony Orchestra as principal cellist (2014-2018). He has performed with the following: String Fusion, Manila Philharmonic Orchestra, Manila Symphony Orchestra and the PPO.

We had quite an interesting chat with Glenn recently and here is that conversation:

Can you describe your musical journey, from when you first started until now?

I believe my musical journey was phenomenal. The moment I chose music, it's as if the planets aligned. I can still feel that greater calling which is conducting. Music has taken me all over the world, connecting me with the most interesting people, and gave meaning to life.

What was going on in your mind when you found out that you are the first recipient of the Ruggero Barbieri Conducting Fellowship?

"With great responsibility comes great power." Yes, it is interchanged. The moment I was told I was the one, I felt immense pressure, but also a surge of power — the power to help more people and to make them feel what I feel. I know it's not going to be easy, but great things come with time.

What are your memories of Maestro Ruggero Barbieri? Do you think this conducting fellowship will pay homage to him and showcase the virtuosity of future conductors?

I was initially afraid of him due to his prominence in the music industry, but as I got to know him, I discovered how truly human he is. We were roommates most of the time during our 2019 Europe Tour and I learned a lot from him, he touched my soul with his stories and I just got so immersed in it. He is my very good friend and it saddens me to think of not being able to enjoy his company anymore. Every time I hold my baton, I always think of him, and I am thankful for being given the chance to do him homage and showcase my virtuosity and to all the others who will be given a chance.

Do you think being a cellist will help you in your role as a conductor?

Being a cellist gave me a solid ground to explore music. You need to know more than all of the musicians combined as a conductor, being a cellist also gave me friends who helped me along the way to be a conductor. It also helped me play in orchestras wherein I can keenly observe the conductor and learn from that.

What are your plans as the new conductor of the Pundaquit Virtuosi? If we have the chance to interview you again in five years, do you think you will have achieved the goals you have set for yourself and the ensemble?

I see myself as a champion of Filipino music, my mission is to develop our culture and identity thru music. I am also a composer/arranger, so I would love to premiere more of my works while being able to discover hidden gems and provide it to my dear countrymen. In 5 years, I'd like to believe that I'll be at the frontlines of Philippine music — connecting people and inspiring more Filipinos with life-changing music, empowering not only the Pundaquit Virtuosi but also everyone I can influence.

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