
Swati Maliwal writes to INDIA bloc, seeks time to discuss assault case

By Business Standard - a week ago
Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal on Tuesday sought time from INDIA bloc leaders to discuss the alleged assault against her by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aid Bibhav Kumar. In a letter to INDIA bloc leaders like Rahul Gandhi and Sharad Pawar, the Aam Aadmi Party member complained she was subjected to "victim shaming and character assassination" for speaking up against the abuse. "Instead of finding support, I was confronted with incessant attacks on my character and victim shaming orchestrated by the leaders and volunteers of my own party," she wrote. "Over the past one month, I have encountered first-hand pain and isolation a survivor faces when she fights for justice. . . I would like to seek your time to discuss this pertinent issue," she added. Maliwal posted the letters addressed to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and national president Sharad Pawar on X. "I have worked on the ground for the last 18 years and have heard 1.7 lakh cases in the Women's Commission in 9 years. Withou

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