
Hearing in defamation case against Rahul Gandhi postponed to June 26

By Business Standard - a week ago
The hearing in the defamation case against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his alleged objectionable remarks against Union Home Minister Amit Shah was on Tuesday fixed for June 26 as the concerned judge was on leave. The case related to Gandhi allegedly making objectionable comments against Shah is going on in the MP/MLA court here. The defamation complaint against Gandhi was filed by BJP leader Vijay Mishra. Santosh Kumar Pandey, the plaintiff's lawyer, said that the matter was listed to be heard on Tuesday but due to the judge of the concerned court being on leave it has been postponed to June 26. The concerned court judge Shubham Verma had on June 7 fixed June 18 as the date for hearing the above case. The Congress leader had appeared in the court on February 20 in the defamation case and he was granted bail by the court. The complaint was filed on August 4, 2018, against Gandhi for his alleged objectionable comments against Shah at a press conference in Bengaluru. The ...

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