
Calcutta HC order slap on those indulging in vote bank politics: CM Sai

By Business Standard - 3 weeks ago
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Thursday hailed the Calcutta High Court's decision to scrap the OBC status of several classes in West Bengal, calling it a slap in the face of those indulged in appeasement politics through religion-based quota. The HC on Wednesday struck down the OBC (Other Backward Class) status of several classes in Bengal, finding such reservations under a 2012 Act to vacancies in services and posts in the state illegal. It observed that the inclusion of 77 classes of Muslims in the list of backward categories was to treat them as vote bank. West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee has asserted that she will not accept the order and hinted that her government could challenge it in the Supreme Court. Asked about Banerjee's statement, Sai told reporters here, We welcome the decision of Calcutta High Court over religion-based reservation. It is a slap in the face of those who practise vote bank and appeasement politics by giving ...

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