
Rajeev Chandrasekhar Vs Shashi Tharoor: Voters talk of a close contest in the battle for Thiruvananthapuram's LS seat

By Economic Times - 4 weeks ago
The electoral battle in Thiruvananthapuram between Congress MP Shashi Tharoor and Union minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar of the BJP is intensifying. Tharoor, aiming for a fourth term, faces the challenge of retaining his appeal after 15 years, while Chandrasekhar seeks to capitalize on the BJP's growing influence. Both are unconventional politicians with achievements outside politics. The contest is crucial, with Thiruvananthapuram witnessing a Congress-BJP rivalry. Tharoor highlights his development initiatives, while Chandrasekhar emphasizes the need for BJP representation for better development. The campaign has also seen accusations of misuse of power from both sides.

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