
Vietnam has 22,000 new businesses

By Manila Times - 4 months ago

HANOI: About 22,128 new enterprises were established in Vietnam in the first two months of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 12.4 percent, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment's Business Registration Management Agency.

The combined registered capital of those businesses reached nearly 219 trillion Vietnamese dong ($8.88 billion), rising 32.8 percent year on year, Vietnam News Agency reported on Monday.

The number of newly founded businesses increased sharply in the mining industry (up 28.8 percent), followed by transportation and warehousing (26.5 percent) and other services (21.5 percent).

As many as 18,969 businesses resumed their operation in the two-month period.

According to the country's General Statistics Office, nearly 160,000 enterprises were established in Vietnam in 2023, posting a record high and a surge of 7.2 percent year on year.

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